windbreaker;265677 wrote
I'm just saying this in general...but live players have a poor understanding of equity, stack sizes, and ranges. These two hands seems like a good example of that.
I think it's safe to say, you can narrow ranges down (in some spots) much better live than online, and comparing them as equal is a mistake, and probably a leak in of itself.
Live players value tourney 'life', more than anything, and will discard equity and other factors to ensure their I'd agree with most of what you are saying.
With the 10's, my odds to call are obviously good as played (12K call to win 28.5k = 2.4/1). But if my read tells me he has AK+ JJ+, the price doesn't look so good (and this is the range I assigned him when he shoved).
No reads, I'm never folding....but with reads is it not an option?