fun from another forum:
Does this mean I am not going to get my platinum star? I only need 100 more pts.
From donkdown: The saddest thing about today is that the 2 people who work in the Full Tilt Customer Service Department have probably lost their jobs.
Dealing with the US government is as much fun as getting raped by a grizzly bear.
Hustler Casino launched its own online gaming site on the same day federal authorities indicted
"F" Larry Flynt and the wheelchair he rode in on.
a lot of people going to suffer tonight with withdrawal symptoms, the banana industry should skyrocket.
Originally Posted by justonemoretime View Post
"Convert some money to gold.
Any time you can have everything taken from you by the push of a button you really can't feel very secure."
^^^This message has been brought to you by Buy Gold Now - Gold Coins, Gold Watches, Gold Rings
obviously the FBI hates abraham lincoln.
on fb just now
mate : why they shutting down?
me : illegal funds and stuff idk somat dodgy, so grim
mate: i knew it its ****ing rigged!! remember that russian that caled with the king four he knew it was gonna hit
The Bellagio is now spreading .01-.02 nlhe due to anticipated demand
They kindly ask that you bring in your own jars and piggy banks of pennies until they are equipped to handle this kind of action!
Whats ironic about this, is that I quit a month or so before all this happened due to me going to Europe soon. So sick.
^^^That isn't ironic Alanis
in bolivia ok
I'm guessing all the people who rushed to insta cash out without looking at the info we have available are the same people who open shove their stacks in whenever the pots get big and they panic?
Tom Dwan would not do well in the Pen.
Just a thought.
Phil Ivey, however, would be gangsta on the range.
on a semi related note, buying gold now is just retarded at current prices
Does this mean I am not going to get my platinum star? I only need 100 more pts.
From donkdown: The saddest thing about today is that the 2 people who work in the Full Tilt Customer Service Department have probably lost their jobs.
Dealing with the US government is as much fun as getting raped by a grizzly bear.
Hustler Casino launched its own online gaming site on the same day federal authorities indicted
"F" Larry Flynt and the wheelchair he rode in on.
a lot of people going to suffer tonight with withdrawal symptoms, the banana industry should skyrocket.
Originally Posted by justonemoretime View Post
"Convert some money to gold.
Any time you can have everything taken from you by the push of a button you really can't feel very secure."
^^^This message has been brought to you by Buy Gold Now - Gold Coins, Gold Watches, Gold Rings
obviously the FBI hates abraham lincoln.
on fb just now
mate : why they shutting down?
me : illegal funds and stuff idk somat dodgy, so grim
mate: i knew it its ****ing rigged!! remember that russian that caled with the king four he knew it was gonna hit
The Bellagio is now spreading .01-.02 nlhe due to anticipated demand
They kindly ask that you bring in your own jars and piggy banks of pennies until they are equipped to handle this kind of action!
Whats ironic about this, is that I quit a month or so before all this happened due to me going to Europe soon. So sick.
^^^That isn't ironic Alanis
in bolivia ok
I'm guessing all the people who rushed to insta cash out without looking at the info we have available are the same people who open shove their stacks in whenever the pots get big and they panic?
Tom Dwan would not do well in the Pen.
Just a thought.
Phil Ivey, however, would be gangsta on the range.
on a semi related note, buying gold now is just retarded at current prices