[deleted] Wetts1012;264106 wroteLOL. If this is true you cant possibly understand how good I run. To be explained later. I'll take 5% please
Wetts1012 HVEEPOKER;264096 wroteJust went on tilt. Logged in and registered for a tournament okay. Okay with Stars too. Its not the client they're after, its the monies. Obv the client will continue to be operational.
HVEEPOKER From what I am reading on 2+2 Some states are not working and some places in Europe. Stars and tilt.com UB.net. Nothing I can see . We play on Stars.net and Tilt.net. Is there a difference? IDFK
SteveKerr methinks wetts cashed out last week to help pay for his new kitchen before he won in Winnipeg
HVEEPOKER Some players are also saying the can't cash out now . Can't get a secure connection to their accounts.
Wetts1012 SteveKerr;264118 wrotemethinks wetts cashed out last week to help pay for his new kitchen before he won in Winnipeg WINNNNER. Life Run Good. F online pokerz. BURN!!!!
SteveKerr Wetts1012;264122 wroteWINNNNER. What do I win? 5% of you for life in all tournaments :) LOL
HVEEPOKER Says now Stars no longer servicing US Players. I transferred Money out of both accounts last night. Tilt and Stars. Pool Money + Leaving less than 10$ in each. I am taking a break. Good Thing Holy Crap!
reibs Yeah I just cashed out most of my funds.... I requested a cheque, and it didnt give me any problems... keep my fingers crossed that it comes now! On a side note, I played a $10+1 mtt last night (25k guaranteed) and it had a $4k overlay. I didnt think stars ever had overlays. lol I bet tonight will have lots though!! oh, and SMD OBAMA!!!
reibs djgolfcan;264136 wroteI have to wait until I get home to cash out. :( The drive home was an anxious one! :D
JohnnieH Can somebody why we are effected by this? Are we jumping the gun a little by withdrawing all our funds?
compuease Well I cashed out most funds back to Moneybookers from the sites I have any significant funds on, just in case. Easy to go back if I need to. Tilt was back in my MB within minutes. Still waiting on 4 others. OK, Stars just arrived within 5 min. Sites I am waiting on are Bodog, Bwin and UB. Actually Tilt was fine, lol, just looked and Stars has credited only $10. back to my Moneybookers, the email says the balance to be sent within 72 hrs... WTF Stars you give me $10. and hold the other few hundred?