Vekked;261479 wrote3600 flop/call. 2500 is far too small. Lame situation, to get 4-way to the flop, but enough people will stack dry top pair, or diamonds, or pair + gutted type stuff that it'll be fine w/ the odds you'll be getting. If there was any indication that you're likely to get flatted in a million spots pre I might 3x or at least 2.5. Maybe it's just this hand that it happened but if I can be a bit result oriented it seems like your raise might be a bit small for this table/these stakes. Pretty lame that they both showed up with sets but mehhh.
this happened to me in a bigger 162 tourney or something, with a few less bbs especially in earlier position ill just shove. but im too stacked for that, i raised had to callers and stacked off on a wet board to his set of tens.
i realize a larger bet on the flop is more realistic but im kinda trying to induce hands that don't have a lock on me to call/fold to another jam or to jam as a semibluff or overpair...really i expect almost always we will be all in on the flop anyways....
but if were comfortable getting in all in here so be only really other option is to raise more pre which i might start doing from mp....or set mine if there is multiple callers.....