PLO .50 and .50 I belive i was BB for this live, (anyone who was at the table dont comment for a bit wouldnt want to give it away) if Im in error in my remember just mention it I belive im close
UTG fold, UTG +1 limp, limp, pot $2.50, call, call, and i have 10 10 6 6 3 suits, i call, i think a fold and a call, might be the other way around.....flops 10 9 3 rainbow, what do I do here?? $15 in the pot check then its on me, everyone is $55-$130 or more behind i belive, im $200++
any opinions are good here, thanks
looking for the max obiviously, lets say I didnt get it lol
Bet out, whatever you think the others will call ands till be making a mistake.
Sounds like you have at least 3 players in the pot, maybe more - fire out, and if you get called, well, you're ahead. If you don't get call, hey, no bad beat story!
I check. Initial pot raiser represents high pair, so likely has other face cards. That many players in the hand there will be one with QJ who will call a reasonable bet. If you bet pot, initial raiser either calls or pots you, and now you're both all-in by the end of the hand.
If you check, pot raiser will likely bet $10-$15, probably gets back to you and I just call. Maybe one other caller, but I think now you're heads up but out of position. 6 outs for a 9 or 3, or you need runner runner small pair to ensure a win. While you're ahead now, opp has fewer outs to beat you, so that's good.
I find at this level that players are married to their high pairs, especially on a board like that. I check and call any favourable turn card. Then lead out betting the river if you're still ahead.
If your check allows the initial raiser to lead out, I say that is your play. Assuming he C-bets, I would raise the pot, assuming it is folded to me. Hell, even if it is not folded to me, I am raising it "pot". You are the favourite now, and you want to punish anybody who wants to try and draw out against you.
Of, course, after they do, I am going to be looking to reload.
I don't play plo, but whenev i hit hard like this when im oop and not the preflop aggressor i always donk out as if i have a straight draw or tptk. The initial raiser will feel like he has to raise to protect his hand and any draws will call. I'll holly wood a call from the raise and then check raise any blank on the turn. You don't want the flop to be checked through
Ya I should have checked haha, bet pot got shoved with a wrap after then fold fold the check might have had the wrap bet, ran twice lost one....such is poker HA
Wait, you bet, and someone shoved?
That's the ideal!
im trying and thinking to win the max with so many in the pot, even with the chop if it was win win for me, i dont belive the max was in the pot.....checking was the better idea for me, but live and learn all that stuff