i came across
this article today about a sng endgame strategy. it's specifically for heads up with small stacks (i.e. one stack is less than 10 BBs)
i think it's pretty self evident for the most part, but i do like the structure of it. it seems that i pretty much play like this anyway in those situations. any comments?
i'll summarize if for those who don't want to read the article:
- must be heads up with one stack less than 10BBs
- you take your two cards and figure out your power number (eg. your hand is K10s; K = 13 x 2 (you double your highest card) + 10 + 2 (add 2 because it's suited) = 38
- check the push/call chart in relation to the smallest stack size and if your power # is equal to or greater than in the chart you push/call
i guess it's a standard push/fold chart for the most part, but what do you guys think of it?