westside8 If your PokerStars screenname is posted below, you MUST post below or PM myself AND Sharantyr, otherwise you will be removed from the club by Mar 21. If you know someone on this list, feel free to notify us as well Thanks PokerPilotKH JoyLuck2012 Boss Hart AngeDurrr bassboy4 bezwald88 BJR.SWP522 coolblue 24 Enterprise00 ethan1047 evo_pl filteredshot gargoyle_7 gixer dream Jay321852 lost24/7 maratimer007 oldestyle PB3379 rolandb1963 RyanW_16 Shhmenaru
Sharantyr I know hubrail as well and he plays the forum games but for the life of me can not remember the forum screen name.
wildbill7145 That guy Rolandb1963 played the forum tourney the other night. When someone asked him for his forum name, he said he hadn't been on in so long he couldn't remember...
marban i just noticed this topic now..im hubrail, but i think i told that to someone while i was playing the home game...i noticed that im not deleted,,ty
rolandb1963 Just read the post today, sorry. I am still getting emails so would assume I am still a member. Please remove me I had to change my PS ID and can no longer log on to Forum Home game site so I am holding a spot and can't play. Sorry about that. Any chance I can join under my new ID? cndpokerdude, same email and all and same name on here. Please let me know... Thanks
compuease rolandb1963;262672 wroteJust read the post today, sorry. I am still getting emails so would assume I am still a member. Please remove me I had to change my PS ID and can no longer log on to Forum Home game site so I am holding a spot and can't play. Sorry about that. Any chance I can join under my new ID? cndpokerdude, same email and all and same name on here. Please let me know... Thanks So you are multi accounting on Stars?
Hobbes rolandb1963;262675 wroteNo just the one, it was rolandb1963, now it is cndpokerdude. That's still multi-accounting. You need to contact PS and get it fixed. You cannot just create new accounts.
wildbill7145 If it 'was' Rolandb1963, it will always be Rolandb1963. My understanding is if they are kind they will roll all funds back into original account and that's the one you are stuck with. If you keep going with the new account you will just have problems in the future.
rolandb1963 rolandb1963 is closed and everything was transferred over to cndpokerdude, there is no multi account. They agreed that I had to much personal info attached to my log in. rolandb1963 - Roland B Lockhart born 1963, my log in here rolandb1963 my log in for my cell and home phone rolandb1963. my email log in [EMAIL="rolandb1963@..........com"]rolandb1963@..........com[/EMAIL]. etc, etc. No worries just one account on PS. now I will be stocked by someone on here.....lol Thanks rolandb1963 AKA cndpokerdude.
compuease rolandb1963;262688 wroteNo worries just one account on PS. now I will be stocked by someone on here.....lol Thanks rolandb1963 AKA cndpokerdude.Mike?
compuease rolandb1963;262692 wroteSo your saying I should keep and eye on Mike....lol Do you gave any mirrors handy? Sorry, kinda an inside joke.
Quimby Wetts1012;260920 wrotekelly kabob is Quimby iirc Thanks for the save. Didn't see this thread until today. I don't get to play the tourneys that often but I have a free ticket burning a hole in my account so I'm playing tonight.