westside8 There has been some issues with the members/players that are participating in our Home Games club recently, and I will work along with Shar to restrict participation. With a 100 members limit, we are inching closer to it, and I know there are players that needs to be removed as they do not have any association with our forum. The point of this club, is for this community to have a chance to play against each other, just as games our fellow members hosts in their basement/garage. This is not to say you can't invite your mom, daughter, boyfriend, girlfriend, uncle, to play, but we want this club to include on players that are part of this forum/is associated with players from this forum. However, I KNOW there are members currently part of the club right now that does is not part of the description below, and it is my fault for neglecting to "investigating" further when admitting new members previously. Going forward, if you do not fill in the blanks completely and read the instructions, you will not be added. Right now, Shar and I will be linking a player's CPF username to their Poker Stars screenname. Anyone that we cannot identified will be removed from the club by March 20. I know there are some player's who are friends and might not be in this forum, so it is your job to ensure your friend's screenname is known so they are not removed mistakenly. So I ask that you either post your Poker Stars screenname here, or PM it to myself AND Sharantyr.
Sharantyr Working on the Member list in between hands in the daily 40k. Will get it all done asap. Hopefully the gaps needed to be filled in are minimum :)
westside8 actyper;260748 wroteCan you add me before it fills, one day I'll play a game :) You gotta make the request first
Irunit4times I sent an application but yet still have not been added, name on there in the same as on here, not sure how long it takes to be added? Any idea when I can expect to be added or if it is full?
Sharantyr Hey there. If you sent me a pm when you applied I must have missed it. I will take a look right now though. Thanks for the post. ~Shar
Irunit4times No i think i just sent an application, let me know if you cant find it so I can withdraw and send another one right now with a message.