djgolfcan;260377 wrote100 down to 50 seems like a big swing, imo.
Not that it really matters, but I was thinking $26 MTT.
You may not think it, but I can guarantee your swings will get bigger as you move up, and thus your bankroll needs to be bigger. I would not feel comfortable at $60 (stars) or $75 (FTP) 45 mans with 100 buy-ins. I would feel comfortable at $5.
I would say by virtue of asking this question you should start a level lower that you are far over-rolled for. So if you have 2-3k I'd start at 10s first and get a feel first hand for the variance in them. Play a few hundred before moving up.
I've coached/staked a few player through the levels at 45 and 90 mans on FTP and 70-90 buy-in downswings are entirely possible for overall winning players as low as the $10 level. I'd say something like 100 buy-ins to move up and moving down after you drop 30 is reasonable if you're strict about it. This is if you're confident that you have a significant edge at these games at some level. Like I said though, if you haven't put significant volume in at them, I'd start 1 level lower so you can stay at the level longer and get a feel/adjust/know if you can actually beat the game before starting at 26s and playing people who are literally playing them for a living and leaking a bunch of money when you could've fixed those leaks for cheaper 1 level below.
Worst case scenario is that you're actually a winning player at 26s long run but when you start them you brick your first 30 games right away. Then it'll be an other few weeks, a month, 2 months before you get back to them after you drop down and you give up so much of your EV moving too fast and actually slow down the rate at which you build your roll.