pokerJAH;260354 wroteIf you push, do you think he will call? There is a difference between being the bully and raising vs calling an all-in. I assume you want him to call your push, so is he the kind of player that might fold to the re-raise? If he is, you might want to see the flop in position and pray you hit an Q or A and he comes out firing. Out of position I am more inclined to push and see all five cards.
You want him to fold to your push here most of the time. If he's bullying the table, 3bet shove here will net you his bet plus the blinds/antes, and with AQ that's fine. If he does call a shove, you still have some outs. Raise here pot commits you so you may as well shove, because you're NOT raise-folding. You have no fold equity in this hand.