compuease;260316 wroteThe way I look at these open shoves for like 45BB is this..
No way he is shoving AA or KK plus you have AK so even less likely. Don't think he is open shoving little pair since he may be able to set mine although it is marginal. That leaves mid pair up to maybe QQ another AK and maybe AQ. The only one I like is AQ but that's not a big %. To me it looks like a flip situation so do you feel lucky? Little equity in the pot and obviously no fold equity since op is the one pushing. If I think about it I can find a fold here.. Too tight Wetts? If I had raised first and then he pushed over the top I likely call especially given that I have the chips to do it..
Now most of the time I snap call but if I really have time to think about it, different game... Make some sense?
ya and the way you desribe the match up and which hands are more likely is just putting the % into words...and i do think he has aq in his range, basically its a coinflip, maybe just better maybe just worse, people seem to argue both ways...but i don't think we're really ever beating his range, we can hope to catch him with AJs or something....theres always some wacky hand once in awhile.....the underlying question is a deep stack early worth a neutral flip or even a slight underdog flip......