Vekked;259576 wroteIt is in nash. That doesn't NECESSARILY mean shoving Q9s is unexploitable. If everyone's calling way loose it will be -EV. But it's almost certainly going to be +EV in this spot.
Make sense? It's just a matter of ranges vs. specific hands. Open jamming a range of {QQ+,32s} 40BB deep on the button is unexploitable even though only 3/4 hands of the hands are +EV or unexploitable by themselves.
Open jamming a range of {QQ+,32s} 40BB deep on the button is unexploitable?
is it? how would you know that?
ok i can't wrap my brain or explain this i don't think...
but perhaps what im saying is that you gain a gbucks style ev when you jam the non exploitable jam don't make your chips for each hand you make them based on the range you shove.... q9s is just as valuble as aces in this spot if its part of the non exploitable shove range. and we never lose in respect to our range....
and without knowing your opponents exact range it is the most optimal way to play when your blinds are to the point where you can only jam or we agree there?
so I guess im saying q9s may not be +ev but we no longer look at the ev of hands separately but instead we decided if our range is +ev (or at least neutral ev)......again because we almost never know our opponents calling ranges....shoving the non ex range is the best way to play.
The only better ways are to put our opponents on a tighter calling range which is more likely their true range, and end up jamming a few more hands. I have a feeling this isn't needed to be one of the top 5000 or so players.
Then the best way would be to have the opponents calling ranges and adjust perfectly to exploit those ranges. This is actually possible i guess through dataming and then adjusting to exploit those ranges.....
maybe this is what you were pointing out....:-\