GTA Poker Anyone else get booted from Stars in the past hour...I decided to load up 12 45 man sngs and have been disconnected about 3 times in the past hour...@#$
[deleted] yeah, the server resets tonight @ 7 IIRC.... I had problems playing my ring games so i shut er down for a bit after losing a few bucks in blinds when i disconnected time to eat anyways, it should be fine. GL in ur sng's
GTA Poker That's a scheduled shutdown like this morning, but it shouldn't affect my current games...and wtf is with all these scheduled shutdowns every 12 hours anyhow?
westside8 GTA Poker;259062 wroteThat's a scheduled shutdown like this morning, but it shouldn't affect my current games...and wtf is with all these scheduled shutdowns every 12 hours anyhow? Getting ready for the chaotic Sunday ahead maybe?
wildbill7145 Anyone finding P* really, really slow to log in to today? Takes a few minutes. Network indicates 100% connection from all servers.
wildbill7145 Huh, that's bizarre. As an aside would it be worth perhaps stickying this thread in Online Poker Talk for future use? This issue seems to come up every now and again.
SuperNed Strange comp, I just tried again and it took a little over a minute (much longer than usual but it is connecting)
compuease costanza;345428 wroteStars need to hire a really nice IT guy for all these issues :D certainly none around here... I see the problem...