JohnnieH;260686 wroteBook our flights for Wednesday to Wednesday and we'll catch up to you.
Which hotel did you book?
Sorry I realize now it didn't say. I'm booked at the Rio but it's not set in stone. Hotel is the easiest to book because there is no cancellation fee and you can change it anytime up to 48 hrs before. Last year we waited and missed out on most of the comped nights so I jumped on this one. It was the cheapest other than IP and I've always wanted to try it. Make sure you log into with with TR# and put Wraych's card number in as your companion for the best rate.
We are going to try to go Tues to Wed and I figured on exactly what you said above. But we will take whatever flights are the cheapest so that may still work out Wed to Wed. It might take a few months to get a good deal and flights can't be cancelled so better wait a bit anyways for a good deal.
If I intentionally do not log in with my card number it looks like the Rio hasn't started discounting Oct yet, so if you wait a bit, prices will probably come down.