HVEEPOKER Sharantyr;255667 wroteAre you making a maybe-how-to video of this too Yoda??>:D You could name it "Forum Friends Fix-it Hour" ;) ~Shar PFC Tool Time? This ole Poker Hut. New Yankee SUKOUT.......
[deleted] the old fan is gone, you can see the light socket.... there is a black wire, i assume is the hot or whatever.... there are 3 whites ones, but one has black x's and should be the ground...but you can't tell.....
HVEEPOKER Seriously I have no idea what that extra wire is as I am not there to see it. Dead Wire? Was it hooked up to the old Fan also? Send some pics
HVEEPOKER Was the Fan in that hole also? Ground should be fastened to the box. That 3rd white one could be a continuation to somewhere else too.
[deleted] here from other side you can see the socket.....and also a plug to the right of it.....like a 2 prong plug to plug the fan into.... 1 white 1 black go to the plug in 1 white goes to the light the ground looks like it goes to the light or inbetween the two.....thats all the info you get.... ;)
[deleted] two switches one control A DIFFERENT BATHROOM LIGHT the other turn both the fan and the fan light on......
Hellmuth's Mole I can't believe all the time wasted on this. The ez answer is you treat it like a 9v battery. Just lick it to make sure there's juice.
HVEEPOKER Hellmuth's Mole;255685 wroteI can't believe all the time wasted on this. The ez answer is you treat it like a 9v battery. Just lick it to make sure there's juice. That would make your hair and toes curl lol
HVEEPOKER Can you take that damn light socket out of there and see wtf that 3rd wire is doing inside.
[deleted] HVEEPOKER;255688 wroteCan you take that damn light socket out of there and see wtf that 3rd wire is doing inside. ehmm.....ugh...:confused:.....ahem.....:-\.....uh........ wtf is the 3rd wire lol......
HVEEPOKER :confused:darbday;255692 wroteehmm.....ugh...:confused:.....ahem.....:-\.....uh........ wtf is the 3rd wire lol...... Either of the white. If 3 are going in and 1 comes out and goes elsewhere than you will connect the fan the same way. Just not sure where the second white is coming from
compuease Without knowing what was connected to what before you took it apart it's hard to say for sure but I would guess that the whites should be connected together on one side of the fan...... However it may also not be needed and you could cap it off. I would first cap it off and if everything works correctly then leave it that way.
[deleted] compuease;255699 wroteWithout knowing what was connected to what before you took it apart ...... this thread is sofuckingawesome......no wires have been taken apart.....we know where they all go.....problem is new fan doesn't need one of them.....i do believe i could twist them and cap them....but im not so confident in anything after this thread....
[deleted] compuease;255705 wroteI don't believe you... so it's a battery powered fan? no im pretty sure its electrical because it plugs into the outlet in that picture and the outlet has a hot and a neutral running to it...... just wondering what i do with the wire that runs to the light
CompleXEH Hellmuth's Mole;255685 wroteI can't believe all the time wasted on this. The ez answer is you treat it like a 9v battery. Just lick it to make sure there's juice. POTD????? HAHA I actually spit out my water while reading this. Nothing helpful to add though, sorry.