i dont think this is a call or push, i think its a clear fold for 35 or so bbs with no antes....this would be an even easier fold if we opened with 2.5 bbs...
here is ak vs both villains and wide ranges.....
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 33.686% 29.46% 04.23% 38598238440 5542058832.00 { AKo }
Hand 1: 33.157% 30.55% 02.61% 40027647276 3418762272.00 { 66+, ATs+, KTs+, QTs+, JTs, AQo+ }
Hand 2: 33.157% 30.55% 02.61% 40027647276 3418762272.00 { 66+, ATs+, KTs+, QTs+, JTs, AQo+ }
syphilaids;254970 wrote His ship is so donk I'm just never folding AK to that raise. ever. Especially in micro tournies. If I lose I just open another.
i hear this all the time even from pros and i think its a bad habit and that it directly pulls down roi%....i can't do it myself but i'm confident it can be proven mathematically in a simple formuala....the point is $1 entry or $10,000 it has the same effect on your profits.....
DrTyore;254762 wroteNo
Re-push isolate. Well, read-dependent.
yes read dependent...for example if the guy in the middle was a short stack we could consider calling if we thought the original shover was light......but here were still quite deep to do that i think....