westside8 Instead of cluttering different threads in the forum with your Home Games Club # and invitation code, we'll start a "directory' where all the IDs will be posted. Club Name: Canada's Poker Forum Club ID: 10396 Club Invitation Code: canadapoker Club Manager: westside8 Club Name: PFC BAP League Club ID: 103428 Club Invitation Code: all4114all Club Manager: Sharantyr Only applies to the PFC BAP League - I ask all those who sign up to PM me (Shar) with notification that you understand this is for the Shared League games only. Please sign up using the Club ID# and Invitation Code and include your forum name in the "name" space provided. Club Name: Chinguacousy Hill Poker League Club ID: 66774 Club Invitation Code: ChingHill Club Manager: STR82ACE Club Name: Orangeville Poker Tour Club ID number: 37021 Club Invitation Code: pocketaces Club Manager: SteveKerr Club Name: Club ID: 13913 Club Invitation Code: 12569876 Club Manager: BrianS
BrianS ty wes :) Is there a forum game tonight on stars? i wanna win a medal thingy lol Edit* Slade Game is the name, dont judge me lol
Buzzzardd BrianS;253049 wrotety wes :) Is there a forum game tonight on stars? i wanna win a medal thingy lol Yes there is. Check in the Canadian Online Poker League section for details.
JimmyHo Club Name: Four Aces Poker Club Club ID: 79960 Club Invitation Code: TORONTOPFC Club Manager: pokerjah56 I have set up cash games if any forum members want to play against each other any time of the day. They are limiting the club to three cash tables at a time. I have set-up NLH, Omaha and Horse, all $0.25/$0.50. If you prefer other limits or different cash options, let me know. Hope you find it useful.
Freakinfrey Club Name: Coin Flip Card Room Club ID:13833 Club Invitation Code: flippin coins Club Manager: lifeofadonk lifeofadonk is me. I'll be setting up weekly tournys at varying buy ins, and a few cash game tables. Mostly local players, with a few exceptions. Looking forward to getting some great poker going.
belly420 hey all, just another league, if anyone is looking. sorry if ive posted elsewhere, i didnt see this topic! Southern Ontario Poker League Tuesday and saturday evenings, 8:00pm $10 Buy-ins(for now) You are invited to join my private poker club for Home Games online. - Enter my Club ID number: 112869 - Enter my Invitation Code: SOPL member - Club Manager: Belly420
[deleted] hey my name is patrick my pokerstars name is P.Swavey and i would like to play in your home game!
JimmyHo Does anyone know if you can increase buy-in for tournaments above $30 and limit the number of players if you want to run a satellite?
JimmyHo Club Name: All Ontario Poker Club ID number:712081 Invitation Code: Ontariopoker56 Club manager: pokerjah56 Will mainly be running satellites to various major Ontario casino tournaments (Brantford, Great Blue Heron, etc.).