The Party Poker Challenge on PTR.
Your supposed to collect the badges (and spew $ along the way) :D
I esp lol'd at shoving 50BB w 22-66
Play 1000 hands in a day
Must play 1000 hands in a 24 hour period ( 12:00AM - 11:59PM CST)
Slowplay AA
Limp with AA, get to showdown and win
Limp with AA from any position, get to showdown and win the hand. Must start hand with a 50bb+ stack. No limit only.
All-in preflop with 66 or worse
All-in pre-flop with 22, 33, 44, 55, 66. Player must start with a 50bb+ stack size. Hand must go to showdown. No limit only.
Hero Fold
Fold when you have less than 10 big blinds remaining in your stack. No limit only.
Must start the hand with a 50bb+ stack.
Hero Call
Win at showdown with K-high or worse
The player must call a river bet and win with k-high or worse. 5+ players must be dealt.
Dead Man’s Hand
Win a pot with 2 pair: Aces and Eights
The player must have A8 as his hole cards. Hand must go to showdown.
Play 300 hands per day for 5 days in a row
"Day" is based on 12AM - 11:59PM CST.
The Tilter
Win a hand with 72 offsuit when not in the Big Blind.
Player cannot be in the Big Blind. Player must have 72 offsuit as his hole cards. Hand must go to showdown.
Family Pot
Win a family pot (5+ players see a flop)
5+ players must see the flop. Hand must go to showdown.
King of the Hill
Get a 500bb+ stack
Player must have a 500bb+ stack at a single table. No limit only.
Super Straight
7-Card Straight
(e.g. holding 89, board is 34567)
Player must use his hole cards to make a 7 card straight. Player must win hand and go to showdown.
Huge Pot
Win a pot that is 25+ big bets for Limit or 400+ big blinds for NL.