Turtleknife;253772 wroteWhy all the hate/puzzlement for Multi-Entry tournaments in this thread? I can see a lot of positives with these, especially for the lower limits where players are carelessly dumping their stacks treating the structure like a rebuy - which it certainly is not.
I have played a few already and cashed in a few as well. Simply put, treat each buy-in as a regular tournament buy-in and let the fools hand you their chips.
The fields for certain tournaments are exploding because of this structure, so to me that is great. For example, I usually play the 12:20AM 3KO where there might be 200 to 300 players. Full Tilt changed this tournament to ME format and I played it the other night with more than 4,000 entries!!! So you think Full Tilt is gonna step back because of silly complaints? No. Don't think so. It's great for them AND great for solid players as well.
If you don't want to play the massive fields, then stick to tournaments that are not ME.
I feel that next Big Little Tournament (ME format) will break the online record for entries.
Personally, I like smaller field tournaments. I can't stay up until 3-4am to finish a tournament that started at 7pm. As for the multiple entries, I will play them but with a single entry, there seems to be no benefit to extra entries, other than to reduce variance but the chance of your entries getting merged are still a long shot with 4000 players in the field.
I also hate it when a site dictates that you have to play a certain format. Like double guarantee week that are all ME.