djgolfcan Will update the day later as my daughter needs the computer. I'll be playing later as well, probably around 10pm.
compuease djgolfcan;251323 wroteWill update the day later as my daughter needs the computer. I'll be playing later as well, probably around 10pm. Just make sure she doesn't get a virus on it, costing you, and your investors $$$... lol
djgolfcan I played so much poker today, more than I have in a long while. Had my longest stretch without cashing at 7 games. Tried to play the deep stack at 1pm, played horribly, so much so that I am going to concentrate on the $11, 45man SNGs only. The MTTs take too long for so little reward (at this point). Maybe Wetts can give me some tips for online when we hook up at Fallsview. On to the stats: Days------Buy-ins-----Won-------Profit-------ROI Day 1-----$121.00---$288.00----$167.00-----138% Day 2-----$136.55---$216.00-----$79.45-----58% Day 3-----$198.00---$303.28----$105.28-----53% Total------$455.55---$807.28----$351.73-----77%
djgolfcan I should be in bed, resting for tommorrow. But I am trying to make Iron Man this month as well and I won't be able to play the next three days as I am in Niagara. I have been distracted all day, thinking about Niagara that I played horrible and had my first losing day. Sorry guys, I will come back from Niagara richer and better focused. Days------Buy-ins-----Won-------Profit--------ROI Day 1-----$121.00---$288.00----$167.00-----138% Day 2-----$136.55---$216.00-----$79.45-------58% Day 3-----$198.00---$303.28----$105.28-------53% Day 4-----$144.00----$99.00-----($45.00)-----(31%) Total------$599.55---$906.28----$306.73------51%
compuease djgolfcan;251482 wroteSorry guys, I will come back from Niagara richer and better focused. Just pray that you don't get trips and have me outplay you again.. :)
djgolfcan compuease;251492 wroteJust pray that you don't get trips and have me outplay you again.. :) Just for that, I'll be having the champagne lobster with prime rib for lunch today.
compuease djgolfcan;251498 wroteJust for that, I'll be having the champagne lobster with prime rib for lunch today. They have that at Mickey D's? What time are you leaving Hamilton?
Hobbes djgolfcan;251498 wroteJust for that, I'll be having the champagne lobster with prime rib for lunch today. So that's where our $ is going. :)
T8urmoney djgolfcan;251482 wroteI should be in bed, resting for tommorrow. But I am trying to make Iron Man this month as well and I won't be able to play the next three days as I am in Niagara. I have been distracted all day, thinking about Niagara that I played horrible and had my first losing day. Sorry guys, I will come back from Niagara richer and better focused. Days------Buy-ins-----Won-------Profit--------ROI Day 1-----$121.00---$288.00----$167.00-----138% Day 2-----$136.55---$216.00-----$79.45-------58% Day 3-----$198.00---$303.28----$105.28-------53% Day 4-----$144.00----$99.00-----($45.00)-----(31%) Total------$599.55---$906.28----$306.73------51% Ooops on missing out....looks like easy moniez (head banging against wall)
GTA Poker T8urmoney;251654 wroteOoops on missing out....looks like easy moniez (head banging against wall) +1...will back for higher BI 45s
djgolfcan Thanks for the vote of confidence guys. I will re-evaluate closer to the end of the month to see if I want to continue to play with other peoples money. The idea of trying the higher buyin does intrigue me though. Updates for yesterday will be included with today's update.
djgolfcan For some reason I am not converting my final tables into as many cashes as before. I guess this is vaiance catching up with my run good. Still ahead of the game. Days------Buy-ins-----Won-------Profit---------ROI Day 1-----$121.00---$288.00----$167.00------138% Day 2-----$136.55---$216.00-----$79.45-------58% Day 3-----$198.00---$303.28----$105.28-------53% Day 4-----$144.00----$99.00-----($45.00)-----(31%) Day 5-----$128.50----$22.50----($106.00)-----(82%) Day 6-----$130.30---$193.50-----$63.20-------49% Total------$858.35--$1122.28----$263.93-------31%
djgolfcan Days------Buy-ins-----Won-------Profit--------ROI Day 1-----$121.00---$288.00----$167.00-----138% Day 2-----$136.55---$216.00-----$79.45-------58% Day 3-----$198.00---$303.28----$105.28-------53% Day 4-----$144.00----$99.00-----($45.00)-----(31%) Day 5-----$128.50----$22.50----($106.00)----(82%) Day 6-----$130.30---$193.50-----$63.20-------49% Day 7------$96.20---$211.99-----$115.79-----120% Total-----$954.55---$1334.27----$379.72------40% The reason this has jumped a little is that I get rake back every Friday, so this includes the $40.99 I received this week. There is no way I would have gotten that much in rakeback without this stake so I will be including it as profits.
GTA Poker Since this is almost done I will offer to back you 100% for whatever the next level is at exclusively 45 mans ($22?) and based on results increase stakes as we see fit/take shots at MTTs etc. PM me if you want to arrange either way. Edit -- not almost done, my bad...offer still stands for whenever it is completed.