compuease djgolfcan;251088 wroteYa, he min raised my BB, then I got the flush draw. being under 20bbs, tried to go for the double up. agree 100%, woulda done exactly the same... folding is for wimps... lol.. especially when you have fold equity.
betrthanphil gl DJ!! you have givin the backers quite a deal here. I guess thats why you had such a quick response by the forum haha. Best of luck!!
djgolfcan Quimby;251110 wroteJust transferred the $$. Hope you have a great run this month. Got it. And I have no doubt.
philliivey Speaking of life throwing you a curveball DJ, our furnace just broke, ugh I hope everything works out and I don't have to withdraw........ So your not alone! ;)