DrTyore compuease;312854 wrote22 min, get real Internet... :) Is that torrents? I've heard that newsgroups are back... Mark
holychow DrTyore;312864 wroteIs that torrents? I've heard that newsgroups are back... I didn't know newsgroups ever went away? Mark Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk 2
Richard~ so basically a depressed fat guy hacuffs a 16 year old schoolgirl to a steering wheel and shoots her point blank, he then corrupts her classmate who ends up following him on a killing spree. Now why wouldn't you sell that as a light to watch comedy
Milo Except that he did not corrupt her. she clearly asks if he killed the bitch, and is genuinely excited by it. the movie basically lets the protagonist do all the things that we all talk shit about, without having to worry about the consequences. Then it takes that to an extreme degree.
Richard~ it's still corrupting if she's a minor. Most kids have destructive or sadistic fantasies without getting their lives ruined ^^'
Richard~ hehe, at first I was like "meh, whatever, they're killing people" then I was like "waitaminute..., I wouldn't like to get assaulted handcuffed and shot just for being a model, that would suck <.<" Edit: kinda like my trip to universal studios when I realised the armaggeddon ride was about filming a scene where we all got hit by a huge meteor lol Edit2: That could've been disneyland paris...I forget
SuitedPair Milo;312835 wrotePlease let this be real trailer.... bobcat Goldthwaite FTW. crazy man and this is for real
literation SuitedPair;313028 wrotebobcat Goldthwaite FTW. crazy man and this is for real Thanks, I didn't even know he was directing just remember the old standup of course.
jontm "now that Dick Clark has died, we can't ring in the new year" "Well played Mayans...well played,"
Hobbes What do women and condoms have in common? If they're not on your dick, they're in your wallet.
literation Saw this by way of a forum member yesterday... 'If you ask someone how they're doing and they reply "Great!", that person's a fucking liar and has ten times more problems than you.'
DrTyore This picture makes me laugh so hard.... Apparently the 1st baseman threw the ball to the stands.
Cerberus DrTyore;313880 wroteThis picture makes me laugh so hard.... Apparently the 1st baseman threw the ball to the stands. This insprired the Top 10 on Sportscentre today. The full footage of the kid and the people beside him being assholes is pretty funny. Best line about the whole thing was the guy on SC saying "And the Texas Rangers show that they follow my motto for parenting: give the kid anything they want as long as the tears stop."