wildbill7145 Not hugely LOL worthy, but an interesting article. If you read the whole/most of it, there's a familiar name in there which caught my eye. Moonlighting from the vet business to be a co-chair at Harvard! Control-Alt-Delete was a mistake, says Bill Gates - Your Community
wildbill7145 Rob Ford November 14, 2013: After being alleged to have commented that he wanted to eat some woman's pussy. "I have more than enough to eat at home." I'm sure his wife appreciated him saying that. (transcript) http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/transcript-of-rob-ford-s-controversial-comments-1.2426461
Foxrod wildbill7145;363539 wroteRob Ford November 14, 2013: After being alleged to have commented that he wanted to eat some woman's pussy. "I have more than enough to eat at home." I'm sure his wife appreciated him saying that. (transcript) Transcript of Rob Ford's controversial comments - Toronto - CBC News
JohnnieH You may have already seen this on FB, but it's too hilarious not to post here. Texts from a dog:
Milo Foxrod;365874 wroteNorris > VanDamme Greetings from Chuck (The epic christmas split) - YouTube Much as I love Chuck Norris (no homo), you have to give van Damme credit for the lack of CGI . . .
wildbill7145 Gonefishing;367194 wrotedo u know any poker games in Hamilton?? Wrong thread. Close though.