betrthanphil;246733 wrote84.5k at break
trying lol
betrthanphil;246735 wrotetrying lol
slowin down, time to make a move...
Love Progrsv trying to get info out of you. Yeah, that's gonna happen.
haha I know, ill give him whatever info he wants, justmay not be the truth lol
What did mjleden have that last hand?
99.....86k at break. slow slow grind lol
Is it just me or was that a brutal call for him to make on every street, especially the river? I can get behind the turn call I guess, but the river is just plain silly.
once he calls the turn he has to call the river, so much in there and if you were good on turn then your prob good on the river, I prob fold to the turn bet myself
Missed flush or top pair on that last hand, board was 92238??
And you gotta love those oh so fun three outer luck shots. Can't really blame him for the shove with the stack he had though, just bad results. Shake it off. Lotsa time and money left.
Yeah I had kqs, played it bad but o well and yeah it sucked haha but o well, still in fine shape
I don't think you played it badly. Figured him for 1010 or JJ myself, unless it was an uber brutal read on my part, so you had a lot of outs and good odds to try for it.
Nice squeeze :)
hahaha Had to there. Couldnt help myself lol
Oh man. ch0ppy is playing on table 14 and just lost a hand with KK to AA with a third guy having QQ. Wow.
wow, what a cooler lol
75k at break.
people must be starting to get tired. Making bad calls. Now give me a hand so I can get paid off lol
I too was watching tonight. Saw your pair vs set of k's and watched you climb back up. Keep it up sir and heres to you being there for me to watch tomorrow night as well. GL GL
Yeah was pretty sure I was behind because of who it was but couldnt get away, No idea how you are still awake, im having trouble staying awake and im playing haha