For tonight! if there is enough interest.

ID: 332474059
time: 21:35

send 5.50 to kanadian on stars or ftp for password.

sorry for yesterday and late notice today, been crazy busy!
Is this today?

Has anyone made any cashes from the target tournies yet?
yes, this is for tonight. Mistake on my part in not creating a game yesterday, so we're going to see if there is enough interest for tonight.

There haven't been any cashes in the 6 games so far...
We'll hit eventually, I'm sure.
I'm in for tonight if we have interest.
I don't think there will be enough tonight from the looks of it, my fault..sorry guys.

Flud, i can put what you just shipped me as your BAP for next game or do you want it back?
Keep it for next week since I won't be around next week.
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lol ok i missed the previous post...keep my ft monies till the next one sloth
woah whats all this about?
This the satelliete thing everyone was talking about? sorry I've been out of the loop...