mmmm dimeage.
gunna go pick up mine soon!! very nice moose!
Apparently, my first order was shipped UPS Expedite. They came by the house but didn't drop off because there was extra shipping cost involved, and Mrs. didn't know whether to pay it or not w/o talking to me.
Milo, your chips MAY be in tomorrow. May wish to talk to you about the extra shipping. Have no idea why they shipped UPS vs USPS...the added cost was abit more than I expected.
AJ, we'll work something out if you get stuck for the extra. Just found out I am spending about $500.00 for a new digital camera for the wife for Christmas, so I think I am good with the chippies, now . . .
love it when things just fall into place like this.
Let me know what's up, I am free tomorrow night.
Only thing left to decide is whether to oil my new babies or not. Mineral oil, right moose?
I've emailed Jim @ chiproom to inform him of the added costs, we'll see what he does if anything. I'll pay for it when they drop off tomorrow, and if they are indeed the box with your chips in it, I'll call you to come over.
Moose - Are those the "uncirculated"?
AJ - We cleared customs today, whatever that means.
Wetts1012;246969 wroteMoose - Are those the "uncirculated"?
AJ - We cleared customs today, whatever that means.
moose;246943 wroteI was just trying my best to hold those .50s for you. I told him you would pm him. Sent you his pm on CT.
Proud new owner of a rack of Aztar $.50 chips! Christmas is early in the White House! WOOHOO!
Thanks again Moose!
My package from Jim:
Class: Priority Mail International Parcels
Service(s): International Parcels
Status: Acceptance
Your item was accepted at 5:31 pm on November 29, 2010 in MILFORD, MI 48381. Information, if available, is updated periodically throughout the day. Please check again later.
Hoping it's here by Friday: is this just wishful thinking?
jdAA88;246988 wroteMy package from Jim:
Class: Priority Mail International Parcels
Service(s): International Parcels
Status: Acceptance
Your item was accepted at 5:31 pm on November 29, 2010 in MILFORD, MI 48381. Information, if available, is updated periodically throughout the day. Please check again later.
Hoping it's here by Friday: is this just wishful thinking?
Basically, telling you it has left or is about to leave their facility. In transit to customs. Customs can take anywhere from a couple days to a couple of weeks. Friday is not likely, best bet would be mid next week.
oh okay, thanks str8
Milo;246967 wrote
Only thing left to decide is whether to oil my new babies or not. Mineral oil, right moose?
Pharaoh's I wouldn't oil. The inlay is just a sticker and you may stain it/loosen it.
Okay, oil free it is . . .
oh, and just to keep the monotony going,
UPS picked an appropriate corporate colour, as their service is SHITTY . . .
Detailed Results:
International Dispatch, December 01, 2010, 8:31 am, ISC CHICAGO IL
Acceptance, November 29, 2010, 1:26 pm, MILFORD, MI 48381
Electronic Shipping Info Received, November 27, 2010
WTF? Our chips travel from Michigan to Illinois?
Yeah, I don't get that lol
Closest International transfer station.
Come visit me!!!
Got something for you!
:mad:F*&K ME!! I GOT THE WRONG ORDER!!:mad:
My order was for 250 PCA's $5, 350 PCA's $25, and 100 PCA's $100
I got 310 $5's, 437 $25's, and NO $100's AT ALL!
Milo, I think your chips are complete though, but you'll have to come and verify. I've sent Jim @ ChipRoom an email, but it'll be tomorrow before I hear I'm sure.
These things are true Primary though...positively filthy! There must be 10 years of gunk on them. Not going to bother cleaning them until I hear back from Jim though.
Lol 26 min of drooling before you noticed no hundos.