Decided to play couple of FTOPS, mostly mixed games and wierd games with weak fields:
Event 11: NLHE 109 KO
Event 17: 216 PLHA
Event 20: 216 10 game
Event 28: 322 2-7 triple draw
These 4 event BI's total at 863 dollars and I'll sell for 1,05:1 until I feel I don't want to sell more, probably around 40-50%
I'll update as soon as I wake up tomorrow if anyone want my opr stats or if anything else comes to mind. I usually play lower limits but I still feel I have an edge in these wierd game FTOPS events as I've been playing a bunch of 8game cash on stars and feel I have a solid style in each of the 10 games played with 2-7 triple draw being in my opinion my strongest of the 10.
Here are some rates for anyone interested:
1% = 9,06 $
2% = 18,12 $
5% = 45,3 $
10% = 90,6 $
Please send to either "llRichardll" on full tilt or
"IRichardI" on pokerstars. Any winnings will be shipped back to the account it was sent from
____ paid:
Suited pair 2% [x ]
reibs 2%
____ [x]
actyper 5% [x]
datamn 5% [x ]
compleXEH 1% [x]