5 card draw on full tilt
Among other draw games..............
That is all.......................
Even though I am battling a infection, I was finally able to try this today, it's freaking awesome!!! There are soooooo many fish! They call you down with just a pair of nines in 5 card draw,lolololol
Only playing .02/.05 mind you, but hope the slightly larger levels are just the same!
I've made a bit of money playing the pot limit 5CD too. I find it a fun and relaxing kind of poker. I decided to try something on the button. 4 people limp in before me. I min raised and got 3 callers. I waited for all to draw so that they wouldn't miss my "move". When I was alone to act, I "stood pat". All 3 of them checked to me, I made a 1/2 pot bet, 2 folded and I got one caller. I didn't even have a pair but get this, this fella called me with
and he won! lol
In the 10 game ftops I got villain to 4 bet shove me BvB in 2-7 single draw and draw 2 cards when called ^^'
I love 5CD online. The players are so easy to read. I love seeing them draw 3 or 4 (!) cards, hoping to pick up a monster. Such awful poker, but so profitable if you pay attention.
absolute craziness ensued on a .25/.50 table today
SB- $32.25
BB $41.50
UTG $17.55
UTG raise to 1.50
SB raise to 4.50
BB calls
UTG re-raises to 11.25
SB re-raises to 18.75
BB calls
UTG calls and is All in
SB stands pat
BB draws 3 cards
SB shoves for his remaining 13.50
BB calls.
SB shows his dealt flush
BB shows AAAQQ for an $80 pot.
Unreal, BB kept what I am assuming was 2 aces and hit his other 3 cards for the FH.