djgolfcan;244258 wroteYou are on the button with an M just above 10. I don't hate the pre-flop call but you have to think ahead to what you are going to do later on. J-T is going to, more often than not, lead to some type of straight draw. Are you willing to call or raise, possibly risk you tourney life on a straight draw ? If the answer is no, fold pre flop.
Hitting two pair or a set is the best case scenario. When you don't hit and only the Jack comes, you don't have a very good kicker.
The flop bet from the initial raiser is 1/3 the pot and looks very much like a flush draw trying to see a cheap turn / river. You call and now you have invested 20% of your stack on top pair, mid kicker with one player still to act.
As played, you have to fold to the raise but you have to ask yourself if J-Tos was worth those $1600 chips you stuck in the middle.
Conserving chips in a tourney is more important than speculating for a big score, especially when your M is under 15.
Yes I know, I had been tilting a little to be honest, got up to like 12k then took bad beat, then got back up to 12k and took another sick set up. However in no way did the original raiser have a flush draw, there is no way he would fold to such a small reraise, I think I was beating him for sure. But I know there is no hand I want to be up against from the reraiser because Im like 90% I was way behind, or he wouldve just shoved.