Sorry I am at work so don't have the hand history but I remember it well enough and have been wanting to get input on it since last night so I will type it how I remember it..
4 people left in an 18 man $11.00 SNG, 4th gets $18.00 1st gets $72.00
I am sitting chip leader with around 9500 stack size, villain is 2nd in chips has about 6400 and has been playing loose/passive most of the game ( has seen a ton of flops and folds to my cbet almost everytime, limps a lot preflop and folds to my bets ). Blinds are 200/400/25 and I am in the BB.
UTG raises all in to roughly 2000, D folds, and villain flat calls.. I am holding AJhh.. Looking back I should have pushed here but for some reason I flatted, I figured I would see the flop and I can either check it down with him or push him off easily as that is how he has played so far and I have position on him.
there is now roughly $6100 in the middle, I have 7.5k left and he has 4k left
Flop comes 345 with 2 hearts.. I have 2 overs, nut flush draw, and gut shot straight draw (which might not be good). Villain insta shoves.. I have to call 4k to win 10.1k so I'm getting roughly 2.5:1 on my money and I am winning this hand a lot of the time ( ~36% to hit the nut flush and have 2 overs with gut shot as well ) and that alot of the time he's shoving here with air or hands like AQ or KJ. If I hit a heart I am also heads up with an almost 4:1 chip adv.
I called and he turned over 67os...no heart came. UTG had K high
Looking back I know I should have probably shovelled preflop ( maybe not? ) but working from where I'm at do I call here?
I know I wouldve jammed after UTG shoved. I think theres enough in the pot that I dont want anymore callers.
I think I only flat AA or KK here in mint conditions...
As far as the flop went, Villian got extremely lucky, and you flopped a huge draw and missed oh well.