T8urmoney Noticed this morning there are alot of new PLO tournies on Stars. This could lead to me quitting real life. All times Mountain: 07:05 - $4.40+r 1K (new) 08:05 - $11+r 3K (existing already, but time changed) 09:05 - $33 6-max 500 cap 2.5K (they've had this one for a few weeks) 10:05 - $55 10K (new) 10:35 - $16.50 2.5K 12:05 - $3.30+r 6-max 5K (new) 12:35 - $11 6-max 2K 13:05 - $8.80 6-max 360 cap 1K 14:05 - $22 NLO 2K 15:05 - $2.20+r 6-max 3K (new) 16:05 - $8.80+r 6-max 3K (new) 16:35 - $55 3K 18:00 - Mondays...$530 6-max 25K (new) 18:05 - $22+r 3-max 5K (new) Only one I noticed missing, $50+r at 13:30 I know I'm probably the only one happy with this.....but thought I'd post just in case. Most of the new ones appear to be 6-max....so I'll have to practice them a little more.
DennisG I was looking at that NLO game just the other day and wondered about the minefield. I have been thinking about playing some of these PLO's...it has been awhile...with those small change Rebuys, I might play a few to get back into it. Seems like they are trying to open the games up with the 6max and rebuys.
T8urmoney Milo;243455 wrote18:06? lolzzzzz Moose, didn't see anything much for changes, so I didn't post. The ones I play (if I want to stay up late): 20:35 $33 PLO 2K 21:15 $11+1r+1a 2.5K