so yeah its a super turbo (300 starting stack), $5 54 people
3 left... unfortuantely I didn't save hand.
anyway its something like this....
blinds =150 / 300
SB = 3000
HERO (bb) = 6500 (QsTd)
VILLIAN (BU) = 5000
VILLIAN raises to 900
HERO raises to 2400 (questionable or profitable?)
BB folds
VILLIAN calls.
FLOP = Js 8s 4s
HERO pushes???
GTA Poker
that's a fold with standard shove charts
edit -- didn't see it was 3 handed (tired) would have to check as I no longer play sngs -- pretty sure ICM would make it a fold
I'm more inclined to put it in here this marginally in a higher buyin. Three handed here you should have a pretty huge edge openshoving a bunch