actyper Watched cabin in the woods a couple weeks ago. Expecting a slasher flick, but what I got was a ??????
trigs actyper;332024 wroteWatched cabin in the woods a couple weeks ago. Expecting a slasher flick, but what I got was a ?????? i didn't even make it through that one.
DrTyore Cabin in the Woods was great... You gotta look at it in retrospect with the understanding that... (spoilers) We are the ancient ones, the viewers. The characters live and die on our whims. It tries, quite ambitiously to explain EVERY horror movie that this generation has seen. It pokes at the archetypes, and is very self aware. Quite a trip. Sadly, I've not seen much of late. Tucker and Dale vs. Evil isn't a horror, but it's a great spoof and highly comedic entertainment. I saw "The Chernobyl Diaries", and it's a not great take on the "found footage" genre. A thriller I saw (my def'n of horror vs. thriller is thriller has no supernatural element) was "Die Welle" or "The Wave". Again, subtitle, but fantastic. It's on the american version of Netflix, not sure about Canadian version. Older ones that I've seen and may have suggested? The Orphanage (Spanish), I want to see Insidious, and I kinda liked the "Paranormal Activities" so whatever # they're up to now I'll watch soon I think. Mark
trigs insidious was so so. i wasn't scared at all but it wasn't horrible. paranormal activities were good. first one freaked me out but second was meh. i have to see chernobyl diaries simply because i'm a zombie lover ;)
wildbill7145 This is awesome! I think now I have a full menu of terrifying tales to carry me through the horrifying season.
Icedog If you want to watch a fucked up movie a guy from my work says to watch "A Serbian Film" He said its a type of movie that you watch once and never want to see again. I haven't seen it myself as I'm to chicken.
Hellmuth's Mole Tis not the season anymore but I must say I saw the Korean psycho/thriller/slasher film "I Saw The Devil" last night. It is really quite great if you can stand subtitles.
piggypie123 I can't wait to watch World War Z, it looks like it's going to be a good one. We'll see how Brad Pitt does against a horde of zombies.
Wetts1012 DrTyore;332094 wroteOh! I've also heard that "Troll Hunter" - though sounding terribly lame is pretty good. Mark No, it wasnt good at all. Although I couldnt stop watching. I thought it was a comedy until about 30-40 minuntes in.
wildbill7145 Just finished season one of American Horror Story. Not a movie, but wow what a horror story. Very entertaining.
DennisG piggypie123;345514 wroteI can't wait to watch World War Z, it looks like it's going to be a good one. We'll see how Brad Pitt does against a horde of zombies. As long as they don't fuck this up, I am looking forward to it as well. The book was fantastic...probably the best of it's genre.