Old-Sloth question 1. Is 9:30 ESt too late for anyone? question 2: there was $5.50 worth of overlay from the last game. What to do? a) give it to shar to play in the biggest field $5 tournament she can find to play during her $55 game b) just give it to shar for winning c) give it to 2nd place to play in the biggest field $5 tournament they can find? d) give it to sloth. e) give it to sloth f) Bank it, keep a rolling tally of 'bank' and hold a freeroll satellite for frequent leaguers when the bank reaches 'x' to buyin to a larger tournament with it as per usual. Perhaps open to all leaguers who took part in the last 'x' games leading up to the bank reaching the buyin point. g) give it to sloth? ideas? I haven't created game 4 yet, waiting for a few answers to question 1. ps: give it to sloth? kidding ;)
Sharantyr Q1: No 9:30ET is not too late. Q2: Option F seems quite reasonable to me. The possibility of offering a second place finish each time the bank reaches X would be reasonable as well. Ofcourse we could just say its for the admin fees associated with running this, and just give it to Sloth ;) ~Shar
compuease Old-Sloth;242102 wrotequestion 1. Is 9:30 ESt too late for anyone? question 2: there was $5.50 worth of overlay from the last game. What to do? a) give it to shar to play in the biggest field $5 tournament she can find to play during her $55 game b) just give it to shar for winning c) give it to 2nd place to play in the biggest field $5 tournament they can find? d) give it to sloth. e) give it to sloth f) Bank it, keep a rolling tally of 'bank' and hold a freeroll satellite for frequent leaguers when the bank reaches 'x' to buyin to a larger tournament with it as per usual. Perhaps open to all leaguers who took part in the last 'x' games leading up to the bank reaching the buyin point. g) give it to sloth? h) Give it to your friendly moderator for keeping this place clean and civil. ideas? I haven't created game 4 yet, waiting for a few answers to question 1. ps: give it to sloth? kidding ;) FYP p.s. Sloth did you get my pm?
[deleted] i think either c ...or keep it and let it beef up any games that don't fully make the buyin for a bigger 50 tourney.... oh and not too late, course im in bc
moose 930 not too late roll any extra into the next game in case the game is short of $55. keep rolling it over until it is used up or there is enough for two $55 winners.
Old-Sloth at least for now, I'll keep a running count of the bank, and can either use it if we come up short, or wait til it gets bigger and decide as a collective....still open to ideas of course.
wildbill7145 moose;242141 wrote930 not too late roll any extra into the next game in case the game is short of $55. keep rolling it over until it is used up or there is enough for two $55 winners. This.
wildbill7145 compuease;242130 wroteFYP p.s. Sloth did you get my pm? Not this. Our undying appreciation should be enough.
compuease wildbill7145;242149 wroteNot this. Our undying appreciation should be enough. lol, actually I was referring to a pm that I sent him about a opportunity I asked him about. However I realized after I posted that how it looked.. You are observant..
Old-Sloth DennisG;242158 wroteOff Topic....Sloth. Bug Eyed Earl is my hero. Love that guy! red meat....gotta love it. you're the first to know who he is. gee, wonder who inspired the character?
Fludlerk I like the rollover until we can put two players in a $55 tourney idea. However it does bring up the issue of who qualifies for the shares. Probably the most practical is the idea of giving the extra money to second play to play in a smaller larger field tourney.
Old-Sloth I'm kind of back to thinking about letting surplus rise to a decent buyin level (50-100 or so) then making a freeroll satellite to those who have played 'x' percentage of the last games, or award a point for every time someone either plays or BAP, then when bank hits the threshold, anyone with 'x' points would be invited for the freeroll, and those who have BAP'd enough would automatically have their share purchased too. anyone think this might encourage folks to play more often?
Old-Sloth Richard~;242657 wroteSo when's the next game? Do I need a password or something? Sorta interested ^^' http://www.pokerforum.ca/f8/late-notice-league-game-4-a-23651/ let me know if you have any questions on how the league concept works.