compuease;240768 wroteWell if you are calling of 40% of your stack with that hand and then hit it so hard why wouldn't you get it in? What did you hope to hit? KKK or 456 of spades? However I do agree, 7,8 suited is the nuts in HE, not so sure in Omaha.. :)
So get it in and he turns over As, Ac, 3c, Ks, right?
5.50 is only 10% of my stack...not 40%. I couldn't do a proper copy and paste with stack sizes..sorry..he only had 10 bucks behind after the 22buck bet.
My thoughts were (because he had done this (bet pot to iso) in many of these situations..a raise with a caller or two...) that if I hit my straight draws or flush draws I can chunk it when/if he bets pot after the flop...which I did...and he did...I just wanted to clarify that the move there was the right one with it being a low flush, and if I should have just folded pre as T8 suggested...
I guess I am only getting about 4-1 preflop..and as we have discussed before in HE...4-1 in a blind with what equates to junk, is still junk...and a fold. While not in a blind here..same principle. I just felt like there was merit to his raising pot in this situation the previous times, that he could just have junk...and if I hit, I nearly double up..
He flipped over KKxx, no flush draws. I picked up my 8 on the turn and a spade on the river.