Wetts1012;240331 wroteIm gonna give this a shot, and it might get long. Not sure.
Online and Live MTT are completely different.
Dont let anyone ever tell you these games are even close to being the same - its not even the same universe. Ranging (both opening and calling), 3 and 4 bet frequencies, and positional play all contrast significantly from live to online. BMZ made a point about table image. I think its important especially if you "look" like an internet player.
a) Opening range. In general (and based on the trends currently in mid-high stakes online), I think your opening range and frequencies should be somewhat higher/wider than what you would do online in position. The primary reason is that very few inexperienced (or "experienced") live players 3 bet you light. Nobody EVER cold 4s live. If they do youre screwed. Whereas typically online you'll get fold or a 3bet to one of your opens, your gonna get hooded more often than not live, which leads to:
b) Cbetting. Do it live. It still works. Online trends see alot of CR of cbets. This hasnt hit the live world yet.
c) 3bets. Do it live. Do it light. As long as its not frequent you can get away with it in specific spots and often enough that nobody really notices.
OPT Friday night a tightish Female player opens in LP to 600 @ 100/200. I 3bet the button with 10/7 spades to 1700 and she open folds 99. We were about 40 bigs deep. People will give you credit for hands more often than not.
Hand 2 from Orangeville: 200/400 interwebby type guy opens to 900 from the CO I 3bet the puck with K3 clubs. Somehow the hand goes to showdown and I get there with a pair of 3s. Interwebby guy laughs and gets it. The rest of the table think I have Downs. So I can get away with it 8/9 times.
d) 4bets. If you do it live, Never do it light. If you get 3bet you're either up against someone who is on to you, or someone that has the immortals. The latter more often than not.
e) Squeeze the table. 4 players limp for 50 @ 25/50. It comes to you on the puck make it something rediculous - say 350. Very rarely do you get called. If you do villain is pretty faceup and postflop is super easy. BMZ stated below. Live play theres alot of limping (even super shallow like 10bb poker). This dynamic just doesnt exist online anymore.
d) Be politically incorrect. This is important. Be ageist. Very few of the old boys have figured it out. Use the statistics to you're advantage - old dudes always have it. There are only a few out there that Ive ever played with that know what we're thinking and play against it. One of the best at this is Milton Slim. I get the feeling Compuease does it too.....
But he told me he always has the nuts so I might be wrong.
Funny post, pretty much you and Vekked were the guys this post was intended for so I am really hyped that you posted. You say I should 3 bet a wider range of hands in position, is it safe to say I should be willing to limp a lot more then as well with things like suited connectors in mid-late position?
Whenever I have played 1/2 NL live I have limped a lot of hands and even called 3 bets with very marginal hands knowing I can outplay some old guy or weekend gambler on a dry flop.