Sharantyr;240012 wroteMay I suggest that you don't even worry about the 1.10. The winner gets the couple bucks, the seat and ofcourse bragging rights, just to keep it simple?
And perhaps its possible to run say 2 or 3 on the same night? This is a forum with people across Canada, and there could be 1 for each time zone, and if you can join more than one, great!
I think this is a great idea you have, and I think its fun to play against those on here. I really don't mind giving stars the 10-30 cents to host this...its quick, its easy
(and I wouldn't have to try and download anything new!!!)
Whatchya think?
sounds good. So...another question for the group.
Say we set out to send the winner to the nightly $55 on stars.
What if we get 16 players out and have $80 or so (16 * 5) what do we do with the surplus $25 after transferring the $55 to the winner?
2nd place plays a $20 buyin? or does 1st place play a $50 and a $30? what do you all think?