Hey guys,

I've been thinking about getting into coaching for the last little bit and have finally decided to try it out. Since I have 0 experience coaching I'd like to take on 2-3 students at no cost to judge how I'm able to communicate my thought process etc.

I play primarily 6 max 1/2 nl - 2/4nl and would like to take on students playing atleast .25/50 or .5/1.

If you have any interest shoot me a PM.

Here are my recent dbases:

Desktop: http://img830.imageshack.us/img830/5499/desktopdbase.jpg

Laptop: http://img521.imageshack.us/img521/8530/28khands.jpg
Interested. What's your SN?
I'd be interested...always willing to learn.
  • [deleted]

ya i'd do it, think im a good candidate too, been playing and reading like crazy. not a cash game player either so would be nice.

you or vekked...either one ;)
I wish! I want some soup!:wink2:.

Mind you vekked has already asked for my coaching the next time he makes it to a final table:p
hey guys thx for the interest, will respond to all PMS asap (been browsing on iphone so tough to reply)

Extremely interested, have mostly been playing .10/.25 online but play 1/2 live and would like to move up to .25/.5 soon
4 days later