My record is 99 tourneys in one day, and I wouldn't even want to attempt 200 games in one day, much less 6,000 games in one month. Looking at his Sharkscope statistics, I would NOT bet against him.
GTA Poker;239343 wroteIt's now 6k games and min 1k profit at 1:1 -- thoughts?
Sorry for the thread jack, but I tried Tableninja this weekend and all I have to say is....

Why did I not have this sooner!?

I was 6 tabling the $2 -180man turbo's and waiting around for action... WOW! Might move up to 8 tabling soon! Makes the world of difference having all bet sizes set up already, and one button for actions. And on top of 6 tabling, my ROI was like 139% over 66 games! Small sample size, but meh...

So I guess my conclusion on this prop bet is that the profit is nothing in comparison to the volume aspect of the bet. Since it seems he plays a lot of volume, I wouldn't bet against him either.
6 days later
Looks like he is well on his way, after two days he has played like 428 sngs and was up $239
20 days later
Well fit has hit the shan in this prop! I been following this thread pretty closely, and this week it exploded. LOL

***Official 6k $2.20 180s in October, 2010: $1000 profit*** - Page 84 - Poker Beats Brags and Variance

(warning there is a lot of the same crap to read over and over)

- OP was crushing the bet 2/3rds through the month
- OP was playing cash sessions after his daily grind, partying some nights, late starts in the morning, etc as if it was a lock
- Judge finds out new information about OP that he had previous accounts that were not necessarily HIDDEN from 2+2ers (cus it was in another thread), but not spelled out in the bet thread. I think OP has 4 accounts total. None of the aforementioned accounts had serious volume and some were breakeven/loser accounts. He was underage when he played on them which is why he didnt disclose fully.
-Judge tells OP to STOP THE BET FOR 48 HRS, while a decision is made.
-Judge rules that that violates the terms of the bet because that might have swayed original bettor's opinions of OP.
- Judge tells all bettors that they have the option of pulling out of the bet or continuing. OP will take the 48 HRS as a penalty, and will try to continue the bet with the same end time and same volume.
- 2+2 goes nuts with people saying Judge is a D-bag basically.

I think profit was around 1800 last I saw. He will be like 500 games behind pace when he starts again today.

what a clusterfcuk!
Ya since this guy started, it inspired me a bit and I have been grinding these $2 - 180 mans. Doing well so far. Only 12 tabling for now though.

I play against him on quite a few tables everynight. He is usually between 20-30 at a time.
lol, now there's a guy who's probably never judging anything ever again ^^'
8 days later
Well looks like hes gunna do it. He has 150 to get in today and I saw him on the grind earlier. Assuming the profit was a lock a while ago.... Pretty sick volume, 6k games in 29 days....
a month later
Vekked;239336 wroteWell you're not playing your best w/ 25 tables, you're playing good enough to justify it. Essentially to justify playing 24 tables instead of 6, all that needs to happen is your roi needs to be >25% of what it is 6-tabling (if you have 100% roi 6-tabling, you make the same amount hourly as 25% roi 24-tabling). Generally your roi doesn't drop that much assuming that you have your game really tight and most stuff is automatic already.

Using a HUD and table ninja makes it wayyy easier too. I think my roi probably doesn't drop at all from 4-tables to 10-12 or so with a hud. If I was playing only 1 site and could use table ninja maybe I'd be able to 16-18 table with my roi being the same as 4. The higher stakes you're playing, the more your roi is likely to drop when adding more tables as well, since at $10 games the decisions you get into aren't nearly as hard on average as the ones playing $150+ games. Basically, it's not as hard as people think. Those playing 4-6 tables with no hud or extra software could easily playing 3x that with a hud + other software.

What is the advantage of using HUD and table ninja? I've tried using HUD but it's almost too much information?? What does table Ninja do?