Looking for interest for selling percentages for PLO tournies this Saturday Sept 25/10. I'll be playing all tournies regardless of percentage sold.
I may/will play other tournies during this time as well that won't be included in the package. My mental max is 6 MTT at a time, and don't usually go over that.
Tourney List:
10:30 EST $10+r PLO **$51**......
sitting 37/48.....14/23 ITM....8/9 Final Table.......bah.....9th for $104.80
14:00 EST $215 PLO
sitting 66/139......busto 60th
13:30 EST $10+r PLO **$51**....
sitting 104/172....68/201....24/108......busto 59th
14:00 EST $215 PLO.....
sitting 123/167......10/103....fack, pissed away stack for 94th
11:45 EST $10+r PLO **$81** (i run good)......
sitting 10/19...Busted 13th
15:45 EST $99 PLO....
sitting 3/20.....4/7...pays 3.......bubble of course
I play the rebuys regularly, but only the big ones when I satty in (which I've been failing as of late).
The rebuys will be recalculated after final buy-ins, and I'll issue refunds for unused portions, or take out of winnings if not enough....on a complete fail day, I'll eat any extra buy-ins (I think it's unlikely to go over 15 b/i's over 3 tournies....but if draw a crazy table....chips and b/i's could fly).
All tournies have guarentees, I'll update what they are tonight, and if I got any times wrong as well.
As this is my first BAP, won't be charging markup.......this time.
Party: T8yourmoney
FTP: T8urmoney
Stars: T8yourmoney
Total Buy-in =
1% =
2% =
5% =
10% =
30% =
Selling 35% max, no minimum, as I'll play all regardless.
Monies can be sent on either of the 3 sites.
Oh, one more thing, I've e-mailed FTP to ask that my run bad be stopped.
Confirmed Paid:
Siphilaids: 5%
Wolffhound 2%
Reibs: 5%
Actyper 10%
Richard 10%
Pokerdro 2%
Compuease 1%