Old-Sloth;238881 wrotecould set up a weekly "freeroll" that is password protected, then @ the beginning of each week the buyin is determined (5-20) (bypassing fees from the poker rooms)
the "losers" all transfer the agreeed buyin to the winner who in turn uses it to buyin to a larger event. Everyone who took part in that weeks satellite would own a % of the winner. I'd love to get into something like this on a weekly basis. The $55 nightly 70 grand on stars would be a good one to consider starting off with.
Setting up a free roll could definitely be good for bypassing site fees, but it could get kinda sticky using this system if we get a decent number of people out.
One benefit to using the sites system and paying the fees though, at least on FTP, is getting to choose all our own options and such. FTP has a really good system for private tourneys as you get to use all the different options, such as adjust blind levels, starting stacks, make it a KO, etc etc which would be cool imo.
I still think that a satty to like the sunday million/warmup or full tilt 750k/brawl would be better for attracting people overall since regardless of someone's buyin level they want to or do play the sunday majors. The nightly 70k has some problems in that it's less desirable to play a satty for for various reasons (not as prestigious in some cases, too low of a buyin in others). Also even playing basically full-time myself I rarely register until 9:30 PM stuff cuz it runs so late. Sunday $200 buy-in tournies are a lot more convenient, and I don't reeeeally think we should have too much trouble mustering up enough people for one with enough notice.
I think we should do a poll or something and see what the best buyin would be for the majority of people and go from there, then see which days/times are best for people.