Hobbes With all the current selling of pieces going on here maybe this would be a good idea. At the very least would make it easier.
compuease I can't imagine it ever really flying here as our critical mass is too low.. I think the current flurry is more of a curiosity, I know for me it is anyways.. Once we get back to normal Philli may be the only one posting here:). We'll see how much we get but don't want it to turn into a beggars delight..
GTA Poker Don't see a need -- I've staked 1 person in 6 years on here and no one else has ever staked anyone on here that I can recall.
westside8 GTA Poker;238084 wroteDon't see a need -- I've staked 1 person in 6 years on here and no one else has ever staked anyone on here that I can recall. Done both - bought pieces and sold pieces...
GTA Poker westside8;238108 wroteDone both - bought pieces and sold pieces... Pieces isn't staking, but still isn't much volume of it going on
T8urmoney BAP's would be better than staking......Don't think many on here would stake someone, but alot would be more than willing to buy a piece of someone in an online or live tourney.
DennisG I don't see why it is a bad idea to put all those in a forum of their own..just sorts it out. Sub forum of Buy and Sell?? or maybe General?