westside8 Here is the deal - I might have a couple of extra weekly final tickets (the $100K freeroll where top 4000 gets a bit of cash, and top 2000 gets seats in the grand finale where winner gets a car and obviously cash as well for the top 5000 finisher). Since Stars allow these tickets to be transferred, I'm looking for a couple of players to "stake" in the weekly finals. I'm looking for 50% of your cash in the weekly final, and should you advance to the grand finale, 25% of that. If you happen to win the car, that's 100% yours to keep. This proposal isn't set in stone, if you want to negotiate the %, feel free to shoot me a PM.
actyper I didn't know these could be transferred. I have a grand final ticket that I can't play. Let me know if you want ti.
philliivey They just don't want to play landmine city and the you have to win 364537281 flips to win.:wink2:
[deleted] westside8;237037 wroteStill looking for a few more horses. if you have no more im likely playing on sunday, warning though my stats are stellar this last few weeks...
compuease Ok Wes, depending when this is I'll give it a shot... If I can ever get heads up I can't be beat...
Richard~ I'll gladly take one. however if I win my own ticket before sunday I'll return yours if that's ok
JtotheLew I would also gladly take one but don't expect me to get very far. I don't have a good history with online mtt's and sng's..primarily play ring, but it would be a blast.
westside8 Richard~;237058 wroteI'll gladly take one. however if I win my own ticket before sunday I'll return yours if that's ok PM your screenname please. And I'm perfectly ok with that arrangement.
westside8 darbday;237041 wroteif you have no more im likely playing on sunday, warning though my stats are stellar this last few weeks... s/n please
westside8 compuease;237052 wroteOk Wes, depending when this is I'll give it a shot... If I can ever get heads up I can't be beat... Hey Jeff, Text me on Sat night or something if you can play.