Vekked;236300 wroteIt's really close. I'd jam though, sample isn't quite big enough, and buy-ins so low. At higher stakes a fold is probably in order, but I feel like the random spazz/overplay factor is way higher here. I imagine I could be convinced that a fold is fine too but my gut feeling is that folding AK at these stakes with <50BB is no good.
im really starting to get it, funny i think i am more adavanced in someways than i should be and soo far behind in other ways. but now that im starting to do this kinda thing properly things are adding up well. i couldn't understand how you guys talk about over 50 bbs.....meanwhile i would fold an all in call with qq cause i wanted to pick a better spot cause i figured he likely has aces. i wanted to be them on the river.
here your answer show me i understand whats going on and how why its close. i do have to through some bluff in his range. i realize now from your post im throwing away other situations at 20 30 bbs i need to start calling......
heres to a massive stack
thanks alot for taking the time.