STR82ACE;236321 wrote
Yes, secondaries. Just like the looks of them more than the primaries, but don't ask me why. Couldn't tell you, they just LOOK nicer.
The secondaries were $120, primaries $75. You sure on what you got? In the pic above I have the secondary in line with the rest of the Aztars, with the primary sitting slightly above.
STR82ACE;236321 wrote
Nice set Moose! Did you get everything you wanted? I think you said you didn't get everything once, but this looks complete to me.
As I said I've dealt the $500s away for something better. Almost eight racks in the above picture, you can expect that to about double in a week or so. :o I went a little crazy but opportunities like this to get mint chips in quantity without paying ridiculous prices is pretty rare, even though the total will be rather ridiculous, to a chipper at least, it
seems reasonable.
It's a really rare opportunity because: the chips are mint, there are lots in most denominations, it's the best Paulson mold, (except for the $1s and roulettes, which are on a slightly different mold), the inlays are textured (which I prefer), the colours are all great (the $25 is maybe the worst, but it's still pretty good, the hundo is just AMAZING, the $500 looks even better in person), and the inlays are all shaped.
Put the $1s and roulettes on the SCV mold instead of RHC, put nicer colours on the $25, make more $500s and add some $1000s and this would be the dream chip set. As it is, it's pretty close. IMHO the perfect set doesn't exist, though the Ritz chips (except for the cost) are pretty much there and Ritz are tourney chips only, there are no cash chips.
Bad thing is, I've run out of Paulson racks again. ???
STR82ACE;236321 wrote
BTW...what's your opinion on the roulettes? Considering them for a deepstack tourney set maybe.
When the next box comes, you will see. I ordered a sample set of what was left (there is isn't much in the mint ones), 85 pinkish ones, and 85 greyish ones. They will be my $1k and $5k chips for my improved, larger set. ;) Unfortunately I only realized last night that the roulettes are on RHC mold. We'll see how the set plays and if I don't like it, I guess I'm selling off most of everything, except the sng set posted above.
Most of the cash chips I bought for parts of my other cash sets. Pics shortly.