Cerberus;234554 wroteSeems like the consensus is... well, there is none. Hey, look at me, I generated a conversation!
Sorry T8. I thought about that later after I had already posted it and realized I should have just posted the flop and play up till his all in raise. At the same time though, why would I be posting it if I didn't get cracked? So really, the result was kind of inevidable, whether I posted it or not. Will definitely work on that in the future to leave results to the end of discussion.
Seems like either play is good. I think that equity wise and looking at notes I had, I made the right play, but patience and gut instinct wise I made the wrong one. Better to make these plays at these levels, learn from them now instead of for $5K.
hahahaha cerb, we all know ur a fish already.
darbday;234565 wroteya seems we're quite over 33%
yay, darbday is in da house!, it is stars so we don't have as high as equity as we all think we do.