Muddguts uhh, Jeff, if you're reading can you fix sub line to bug, not big submitted to FTP for shits and giggles Fixed....
DennisG 888 needs the a bug fixed as well...the "runner runner" button is stuck on. Three times last night..2 flushes and a straight for near 400....
MidnightMike I almost feel like patient 0 on this matter seems whatever site i play on this very thing happens. Ohh my.
Muddguts philliivey;231934 wroteBtw Nice to meet you Ed.;) haha, the semi secret is out. Yes, my name is Ed, no I am not a talking horse..okay, only sometimes.
Milo Dear FTP Member: With regard to your report concerning our software's "rivering bug", our programming staff have looked into your complaint. Their investigations have revealed the following information: It's not a "bug", it's a feature. Thank you, and good luck at the tables.