philliivey wtf Does not take much to be one now I guess, wetts and betrthanphil will be next:wink2: and they have more and or better results then whoever this chick is.
Wetts1012 T8urmoney;231491 wroteHot chick pros give me free t-shirts.........true story hot chicks and gingers dont mix.
actyper She's a decent player, protege of Chad Bautista. I actually owned a piece of her action last year for the wsop, unfortunately didn't do well.
STR82ACE Muddguts;231569 wroteMarg?! Are you kidding me? You like Marg?! No sir. I LOVE Marg!!! You can't tell me she isn't smoking hot!!!
Muddguts STR82ACE;231697 wroteNo sir. I LOVE Marg!!! You can't tell me she isn't smoking hot!!! I could, but you obviously won't listen. See you tomorrow!
philliivey Muddguts;231711 wroteI could, but you obviously won't listen. See you tomorrow! haha zing! Have I told you your one of my fav's muddguts.:)
STR82ACE You young pups wouldn't know a hot redhead if she squatted on your face! Marg = MILF!! Ever since her hooker role on China Beach, she's been one of my favs.
[deleted] there was a better/worse one edit: what eve don't knwo how to post gif