Richard~;230741 wroteI was OOP for the hand so I called his minraise and got it in on a blank turn. Obviously if we always fold a hand with the strength of jacks to a flop minraise the correct % to minraise a cbet is 100
It's def a mistake to worry about exploitability vs. someone who's never going to exploit you. I'd probably sigh/muck or call/ and check/re-evaluate the turn, but don't get it in for 75BB with an overpair when you could be drawing dead, and you're rarely getting value from anything that doesn't still have 25%+ equity on the turn. If you had like 30-40BB it might be correct, but it's too spewy here. If you had a heart, get it in all day.
It's a tough spot, but it's because you put yourself in a tough spot with bet-sizing. Pre-flop make it like 1600-1800. You're really deep, out of position, vs. someone who's probably gonna have the tendency to flat you a bunch. Just because he min-raised doesn't mean you should make a small 3-bet as well, just treat it as if he raised 3x when you're this deep/out of position.
On the flop, you haaave to bet more. You can just bet 1/2 pot when the flop is so coordinated and so many cards ruin your hand/the hands you get value from. Any heart, 4, 3, ace, king, queen are all bad for your hand, and at least ruin your action, so you have to get more money in while you can. At leeeast 2/3 pot, and closer to 3/4 pot on the flop is more like it.