Richard~;230519 wrotePreflop I can't get a huge amount of information about his range from one bet. If I had to guess I'd put him on some kind of a scared hand like 88-JJ or AK or maybe a really scared player with an even bigger hand as you say.
88+, AK
Richard~;230519 wrote
On the flop the cbet doesn't do a whole lot to narrow his range
Board: Ks Td 6d
Wins Ties Equity
29.62% 0.19% 29.81% ( 88+,AK )
69.99% 0.19% 70.19% ( KdQd )
Richard~;230519 wrotewhen he 3bet shoves you on the flop he probably has some piece of it like 1010, AA, AK, AJdd although he might just be doing it with jacks or something random cause he feels like you're picking on him.
see flop equity (although id like to suggest he slowplays both tt an kk)
i have him on aces
Board: Ks Td 6d
Wins Ties Equity
52.47% 0.00% 52.47% ( AA, )
47.53% 0.00% 47.53% ( KdQd )
i don't know what that all amounts to but my point is i think without my read its a call but with a "laser" read its a fold maybe, am i really that good to fold? yes...and no